be the best you can be

These fellowships offer qualified radiologists a unique opportunity to enter competitive, thematic, structured and certified proper fellowships at major renowned reference centres which are funding the programmes that either last for six months, one or two years as specified on the individual sub-pages.

During this training period the fellows will be incorporated in the specific departments to work on a dedicated, detailed programme supervised by specialised academic tutors.

choose your destination

Click the topics below for detailed information on the programmes offered and instructions on how to apply.




thank you to our partners

A big thank you to the participating training centers for making these educational programmes available:

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney/Australia
Directors of Radiology: Dr. Neil Caplin, Dr. Kristina Prelog

Heidelberg University Medical Center, Heidelberg/Germany
Head of Department: Prof. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor

Hirslanden Clinic, Zurich/CH
Head of Department: PD Dr. Christoph A. Karlo

Montpellier Cancer Institute, Montpellier/FR
Head of Department: Prof. Marc Ychou

North America:
The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa/Canada

Fellowship Programme Director: Prof. Wael Shabana

the world of radiology is yours

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